Lambda Chi Girls Ministry

Monday, January 14, 2008

Lori Mangum

Lori Mangum
is a woman with a heart for Christ and a passion for missions. Read the following Q&A to learn more about this extraordinary daughter of The King.

What is your favorite color? I love blue & purple...and if you mix them you get the lovely shade of periwinkle. It's the best of both worlds!

Do you have a pet? My family is looking for a new farm puppy right now. We're thinking some kind of lab mix. Any name suggestions?

What is your favorite sport? Oh, this is a tough one. I LOVE baseball! Chicago Cubs all the way...even when they're terrible. But, football is a very close second. There aren't many things better than a college football game on a chilly fall afternoon.

What is your favorite type of music/band? I love live acoustic sets. Right now, Matt Wertz is the most played on my iPod.

What is your favorite book? The Giver, by Lowis Lowry I read it for the first time in the 3rd grade...that's when I fell in love with literature.

Do you have a hobby? Too many! I love to write, dance, cook, paint, & the list goes on...

If you could do anything your heart desires for one month, what would you do? I would travel to the Holy Land, Rome, & Greece to see up close the things that I've only read about in the Word!

Do you have a significant other? Hmmm...I have a special guy in my life that I'm very thankful for. I'm trusting the Lord daily with my heart.

What do you do when you have an entire Saturday with nothing scheduled? (I know..."like that ever happens"!) After I wake up & get going for the day, I take whatever book I'm reading (right now I'm trying to read ALL the Chronicles of Narnia by Christmas) to Sunergos, my favorite coffee shop. I order a medium, non-fat, no-whip white mocha latte & read for a while. I write in my journal for a bit & then call my best friend, Ashleigh, to see if she wants to go for a walk & then make lunch together. We get a lot of talking in when we walk & cook. :)

What advice would you give to a teenage girl about following Christ? All the things that the world says are important to have don't last forever. Jesus is the only thing that does. Think about that when you make decisions & choose what "will never leave you".

How old were you when you accepted Christ and tell a little about what happened... I asked Jesus to be my Savior when I was 7 years old. I grew up in a Christian home & was blessed to be taught about Him all my life. Though I didn't understand the depth of it all at the time, I knew that I needed the forgiveness of Jesus. I asked Him into my life alone one night & went to my pastor the next day with my parents to talk through the decision some more. It was truly "faith like a child".

What is your prayer for Princess Retreat? My prayer for Princess Retreat is that young ladies who have never given their lives to Jesus will fall in love with Him for the first time. For those of us who have known Him for a time already, I pray that He will help us remember when we first "Bloomed" in salvation & refresh in us an understanding of how great a treasure He is above everything else we could ever hope for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi My name is Lori Mangum. Well, that's my maiden name. I live in New York State. I am about to be 23 on the 21st of this month. I thought it would be neat to see what I could find if I typed in my own name to google image's. And I found you.

August 12, 2008 8:12 AM  

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