Lambda Chi Girls Ministry

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Courtney Crowe

Courtney Crowe
is a Godly woman with a beautiful heart. Read more about her and get ready to hear what she has to share at Princess Retreat 2008!

What is your favorite color – I adore any shade in between Red and Pink! And if it’s shiney, it only makes it that much more beautiful!

Do you have a pet? – Not at this moment, but I may be in the market in the near future.

What is your favorite sport? – I love playing softball and volleyball. When it comes to professional sports, I’m a diehard Dallas Maverick fan – MFFL Baby! And one last comment, “How ‘bout them Cowboys?!?!?!?”

What is your favorite type of music/band? This is a very difficult question because music is a huge part of my life. I love Nichole Nordeman! She has an incredible voice and her lyrics are filled with so much Truth about life and the Lord. I also love Shawn McDonald and Shane & Shane. Throw in some Jeremy Camp, Leeland, Mercy Me and Casting Crowns and we’re good to go!

What is your favorite book? “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster. “Desiring God”, “Let the Nations be Glad: The Supremacy of God in Missions” and “Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper.

Do you have a hobby? I love painting, photography and design. I’m what some people would call and Martha Crocker – that would be a mix between Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker.

If you could do anything your heart desires for one month, what would you do? Backpack around Africa and go back to Kenya for a few weeks with my best friend Candace.

What do you do when you have an entire Saturday with nothing scheduled? Sleep in, watch movies and clean. Yeah, I’m getting old!!!

What advice would you give to a teenage girl about following Christ? Embrace who He is as King. Act like the Princess that you are! Be aware of and study your Spiritual Gifts so you can become everything that Christ has designed you to be. Be Christ to your family and to your friends. The more you walk in His ways, the more intimate your relationship will become.

How old were you when you accepted Christ and tell a little about what happened... I was actually six years old and it was shortly after my parents divorced. I remember sitting in my room and looking up at a Precious Moments picture hanging on my wall and it was almost as if I had heard the voice of the Lord calling me to let Him be my daddy. I then grew up going to church and living the normal life of being a kid, then when I got to high school I explored the life of popularity, partying and boys. All three of these can be very dangerous things. The Lord completely got a hold of my heart the summer before my senior year. I began leading worship for our youth group my senior year and then went on my first mission trip to Romania right after graduation. Student ministry, missions and leading worship have all been a huge part of my life over the past 10 years. There is no greater feeling than when you know you are being used by the Lord to draw people into a closer relationship with Him!

What is your prayer for Princess Retreat? I think my greatest prayer for this retreat is that God will bring an all-consuming fire into our presence as we gather in His Name. Not only will this fire refine our lives by burning up all the meaningless fluff in our lives, but I pray that it will also ignite a deep passion within our hearts to know Him and make Him known! I pray that not one life will leave unchanged.


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