Lambda Chi Girls Ministry

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shannon Hazleton

Shannon Hazleton
will be speaking at Princess Retreat 2008. She is a wife, a mom and a really wonderful Christian woman! To learn a little more about Shannon, take a few minutes to read the answers she gave to the following questions.

What is your favorite color? I love fall colors and every shade of blue!

Do you have a pet? Sort of. Our loveable, toe-licking dog Tucker lives at my sister-in-law's house right now because we're living in a small apartment.

What is your favorite sport? Hmmm... Does rock-climbing count as a sport? If not, then basketball!

What is your favorite type of music/band? This is such a difficult question, since I truly LOVE music. I really enjoy listening to jazz and praise & worship. I also like Jars of Clay and Caedmon's Call.

What is your favorite book? I have to use the Sunday School answer here and say The B-I-B-L-E. When I was younger, I enjoyed mysteries (Nancy Drew, anyone?) But I'm not a big novel-reader, so I usually read biographies, or stories of missionaries. The Bible is my most-loved, most-read book ever. I even used to sleep with it in my bed in college, during some tough times.

Do you have a hobby? I thoroughly enjoy writing, and taking pictures of my two adorable girls. I also have just recently started crocheting again - I know, I am so terminally un-cool!

If you could do anything your heart desires for one month, what would you do? I would love to travel through Italy with my husband and two girls, savoring every kind of fare and learning how to cook real Italian food.

Do you have a significant other? Yes, he is very significant. And funny. Jeff and I have been married for 4 years. We met in China and have been having a great adventure together ever since.

What do you do when you have an entire Saturday with nothing scheduled? SLEEP!!! Sundays are our day to catch up on naptime. We also like going to the park and having coffee with friends.

What advice would you give to a teenage girl about following Christ? He will never break your heart, never let you down, and never leave you. Following Christ will be the single best decision you'll ever make. Take the time now to be serious about your relationship with Him; it will have a dynamic impact on the rest of your life.

How old were you when you accepted Christ and tell a little about what happened... I was 12 years old when I realized that I knew a lot about God, but I truly didn't have a relationship with God. I knew lots of Scripture, and all the right Sunday school answers. But I had never really given my whole heart to God. So I knelt beside my bed, in my room, and asked Him to take control of my life. And I've been perfect ever since - ha! Not really. I have made so many mistakes, but God has always loved me, forgiven me, and guided me in the right direction. He is so patient, and so loving.

What is your prayer for Princess Retreat? Oh, I pray that each and every young woman will put away all other distractions and truly seek the Lord. I pray that each young woman will be renewed, and gain a clear understanding that God has a plan for your life - and you get to participate!

Please continue checking the blog for more Q&A from other speakers


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